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Tuesday 6 December 2011

We gave them a Home. They gave Rhea Page a Kicking

“White bitch!” “White slag!” “Kill the white slag!” A rain of punches and kicks followed, as young Englishwoman Rhea Page was set upon by four Somali Muslim females in a brutal racially motivated attack on a Leicester street some seventeen months ago. Her boyfriend Lewis leapt to her defence, but it was only once the police arrived that the support worker was rescued from this savage and unprovoked assault. Had they not have intervened, this ugly story could have had a worse ending still. Rhea, who worked with people suffering from autism and other learning difficulties, lost her job shortly afterwards, so traumatised was she by the attack.

Rhea Page with Boyfriend Lewis (picture from Daily Mail)

Yet today, a judge handed down sentences which were an insult to this young woman, so lenient were they considering the violence of the attack. None of the four Somalis received a custodial sentence, although the Daily Mail highlights that a five-year prison sentence could have been imposed for the actual bodily harm inflicted. Why then was the judge so lenient? Quite simply, because the victim was a white Englishwoman and the perpetrators were black Muslims, and the rights of the latter are viewed as more precious than those of the native English in this topsy-turvy judicial nightmare that we now find ourselves. Emma West after all, who neither committed nor threatened violence during her recent anti-immigrant rant on a tram, has been taken into custody and had her children removed from her by the state.

By showing leniency to the attackers in the Somali gang case because ‘they weren’t used to drinking because they’re Muslims’, Judge Robert Brown decided to send out a clear message to those who wish to perpetrate anti-indigenous violence: you may do so with impunity. You may beat, assault and scream racial abuse, and you will be punished with a formal rap over the knuckles, and if you are Muslim and have had a whiff of alcohol, you can do more or less what you wish without fear of sanction. It is time to repeal all race and religious ‘hatred’ legislation to enable justice to be restored. These four women should all have been deported without right of readmission, for they are Somali Muslims who quite plainly hate our people. Hibo Maxamed requires dialysis three times a week. Does she deserve it? She should seek it in Somalia with the rest of her family. If the attackers had been white and the victim Somali, how do you think the judge would have reacted to such an assault accompanied by cries such as "Black Muslim bitch!" "Black Muslim slag!" "Kill the Black Muslim slag!"? Do you think that four white attackers would have been let off with community service?

The ethno-masochistic sickness shown in today's judgement is also displayed by the BBC website's treatment of this story: it hasn't covered it. Instead, it is obsessing about the 'evils' of Emma West. A Google search for 'Rhea' and 'BBC' revealed a story about the discovery of a tenuous atmosphere surrounding the Saturnine moon of the same name, but nothing indicating that the BBC had discovered this vicious anti-white race attack. The EDL will be protesting against the judiciary's handling of the Rhea Page case and anti-white racism in Leicester on 4 February 2012. A promotional video for the demonstration drawing attention to other notorious cases of anti-white attacks can be viewed here.


  1. I certainly hope not, although some of the cases that have come to light in connection with 'race relations' this past week have undoubtedly been alarming.

  2. There are many more examples of Muslims in Britain being granted immunity from normal laws and receiving numerous special privileges not available to the rest of the population. Scroll down to 'Removing the benefits and increasing the costs of being Muslim' at

  3. John Terry calls Anton Ferdinand "Black cunt" = Racist.
    Woman on train calls passengers "burnt and brown" = Racist.
    Group of Somalian Muslims shout "Kill the white bitch/slag" before kicking her half to death = Not racist, nor even a crime.
    England 2011

  4. I don't know how the legal system operates in the UK but I suspect it's similar to Australia's. Can she sue them for her injuries in a civil suit?

    Sharia courts operate in the UK. Can she sue them there? I would love to see that since the sharia courts would be placed in a position of being forced to whip the 4 assailants for drinking alcohol. Of course, they also wouldn't want to see a dhimmi win either.

  5. I am agast and sent an email to Ms May, the Home Secretary asking her comments on the disparity of treatment of these 2 cases. Your should encourage everyone you know to do the same and maybe just maybe sanity will be restored

  6. damn disgraceful if you ask me 4 somalian girls and yes you right given a home in this country what do they do being a muslim myself i found this very very disturbing and this bloody judge releasing them into society she needs her head read one day they will kick her head in as well,they should be deported immediately and if they did this and fought like this in their own country instead of running here claiming asylum and the rest there wont be any wars in their country,i am ashamed and alcohol is no excuse they just thugs like all the somalies already here they just dont care as though we owe them a living they dangerous and very nasty.places like wembly is practially a no go area at night muslims my arse these four bitches should be retried and jailed as a lesson or deported im sick of all the rubbish coming here and this bloody government and immigration wont do anything to stop this criminal influx soon you mark my words there is going to be some sort of retelation i hope these somalians will get what they deserve just go to certain areas and the look some of these somalians give you is enough to chill your bones as though they saying what you doing here send the bloody lot home and we will be much safer from a muslim

  7. Absolutely disgusting.
    Yet more proof that if you are White in this country you are treated as a second class citizen - even by our own courts & media.
    The fallout if this had been a White girl gang battering a Muslim girl & her boyfriend would have been enormous with Muslim leaders given media coverage to spout their vile hatred of the country they have chosen to live in & the people they choose to live with.
    As it is a Muslim gang the major TV companies (BBC & others) choose to ignore it for fear of upsetting the religion responsible for more hatred preached & deaths caused than any other in this so called 'civilized world'.
    Yet again this country lets us down......

  8. The judges decision is disgusting on two counts -
    1 Failure to punish racial taunts - if White bitch is acceptable non racist terminology, then by the same criteria Black bastard must also be acceptable? How long before some lawyer uses this defence in court based on the precedent of this case?
    2 Failure to recognise the rights of the victim - I'm sure Rhea is 'not used to being kicked in the head' but the judge appears not to have considered the protection of ordinary citizens as a high priority.
    If people drink to excess and then behave badly as a result they are respopnsible for the drinking, and also for any action they undertake as a consequence!
    Comparisons have rightly been made to the treatment of the white woman shouting racist abuse on the train, but who did not resort to violence / physically traumatising her victim.
    Equality legislation requires to have the support of the population to work effectively, but this means it needs to be applied fairly with no regard to race, creed or sex.
    If this doesn't happen you just create a new 'minority' who feels aggreived.

  9. Absolutely disgusting.If these attackers were white they would have been looking at Jail.

    I find this appalling..what has this country come to!

  10. I think the above article said what is correct.Just as well the attackers they were not white they would be in prison for couple years.Justice my arse these judges are arseholes and they should be removed from the bench for good.

  11. Sack the judge for starters, he's got no idea. Then deport these girls before more british girls suffer at the hands of drunken muslims!

  12. Glad I emigrated 50 years ago. What a silly country England has become.

  13. It's absolutely digusting, if the proverbial shoe were on the other foot harsh sentences would have been imposed.
    This just reinforces the feeling that we, in our own Country have no rights whatsoever.
    I can't get my head around the judges comments - especially the comment that the attack wasn't racially motivated!
    I would really like to hear his reasoning on this in detail, and he should be made to explain
    in detail why he was so lenient.

  14. What the hell is wrong with the judicial system in this country? Are they trying to start a race war? I have watched that attack and it is sickening. For a judge to let them off is an insult. It was racially motivated by the fact they have admitted that they used words like 'white slag' How can it be considered anything else? It was a gang attack and they repeatedly beat and kicked her after drinking I'm not used to drinking can I used that as a defence for beating up four Somalians, err no I'd be locked up for years! They should have got 4 yrs each. Personally I would jail them then deport them. As for the judge I'd exile him to bloody Somalia. He should be sacked this is an outrage!!!!

  15. I am not sure how to send a link to the BBC. If there are enough people who complain, they will have no choice but to broadcast the story. It is in the public interest and as a public body, they are obligated to broadcast this story.
    As a white British born UK resident married to an
    English girl, I can say that most Asians are far nicer than the lager fueled tatooed white van men and chavy Katie Price look a likes.It makes me ashamed to be British. Still we have the charming Kerry Catona....are such class, and what about the plebs who like football and have huge plasma tellys and revolting furniture from
    that company that is half price all year round DHS or some thing like that and wear discusting shell suits and trainers mmm nice

  16. Couldn't agree more with this article. Absolutely sickening that racial attacks against white people are hidden from the public and when one is highlighted as in this case we find that, once again, non whites are given free rein to attack us with impunity. So much for equality! As pointed out Emma West was guilty of nothing more than a limited intellect and poor judgement yet her punishment far outweighs that given to these would be murderers. This country stinks, our government stinks and the system stinks ... have you tried to hold a conversation with anyone under the age of 25? Brainwashed to the point of absolute conformity - we're on a hellslide and gathering momentum. See you on the other side people!

  17. This called ''Judge'' has prooved beyond a reasonable doubte that he is an IDIOTE!!!

  18. this judge should be sacked no pension no nothing i really hope it never happens to any female relatve of his but he is one judge i hope one day it happens to him and he has put back race relations 50 years with his stupidity

  19. this so called judge obviously isn't paid enough

  20. Lets put this into some sort of context. It's not allowed under islamic law to consume alcohol let alone any other dubious substances. In their own (backward) country they wouldn't even be allowed out at night. This was obviously a racially motivated attack and should have been dealt with as such. Can you imagine the legal outcome if four white girls had attacked a muslim girl shouting "Kill the black cow".....They would all now be in prison.
    This country is rapidly heading towards civil war because people are fed up of being treated like second class citizens in their own country.

  21. I wonder what that so called Judge would have sentenced them too if the girl they assaulted was his daughter

  22. I believe that the law can allow the victim to appeal to a higher court if the judgement was unlawful. The court of appeal. This judges verdict could then be overturned and the true issues addressed and real justice carried out. I truly hope the victims in this case take this forward as far and as high as it can go. The more noise you make the more people stop and listen. Unfortunately the judge probably took the path of least resistance from fear of recrimination and gave the weakest judgement available. The media also reflect the fear in which most people cower when speaking out against the flaws in our system of government and law and how they are being exploited by the few to the detriment of the many.

  23. can you do a favour and do this pertition ? it takes a second, could u then forward the link and send it to a friend to do then tell him/her to pass it on? would mean the world to me x

  24. We cannot be in the slightest surprised at the injustices against our people such as this one. The entire establishment is riddled with anti-British ideology and prcatice - you have to subscribe or 'join up' to the anti-British cause if you want to 'get anywhere' in British society today. "What would you do to promote equality and diversity" is the ubiquitous question asked in all job interviews in the public sector, and many in the private sector also. Not one of those vile vermin in Westminster will speak out publicly against this, I expect.

    Salford Nationalist

  25. This makes me so angry. The judicial system in this country is nothing but a joke , biased towards looking after everyone except the white people in this country.

  26. The Daily Express hit the nail on the head:

    The British establishment is guilty of nothing less than reverse racism. Their members, from judges to politicians, think they are enlightened and compassionate. But in truth they are filled with prejudice.

    For often they refuse to expect the same standards of civilised behaviour from certain minorities that they demand of the indigenous population.

    Such a perverted outlook is the opposite of equality. In the name of anti-racism, they have ended up in the bizarre position of promoting discrimination.

  27. Seriously, can no-one see the real problem? Its not about racism! Its not about religion! Its about justice. Regardless of race, this attack was brutal and completely unjustified. The fact that they were let off because they were drunk is completely wrong and its this that we need to be disputing. Yes it was a racist attack, but that's besides the point. They weren't released because they were Somali Muslims, they were released because of the way the law can be twisted and bent to absolve people of responsibility. With the CCTV evidence there is no way they should have got away with it. It should have been an open and shut case. The fact that they didn't even get done for ABH is appalling and its this that we need to appeal.
    Anyone can appeal a decission and the more people that do the better. If you go to the site below you can contact the attorney general directly to have a retrial in instances where the sentence is "unduly lenient".

  28. Well Your Honour. My clients told me that they are not used to killing people and so should be let off.

  29. I have a cunning plan to deal with UK Somali criminals.
    Put them on a boat promising a holiday in the Indian Ocean and let them loose near the Somalian coast. We get rid of criminals and the Somalis get them instead. The bigger the boat the better.

  30. 1. Can someone show me an example of a white English person jailed for calling someone a black bastard?
    2. How many people are locked up for a first offence - even assault.
    3. Should they have been locked up because they were Somalians or Muslims? Almost every post above either mentions their nationality or their religion or both.
    4. What provoked the attack? - has anyone noted what the defendants said to excuse their actions? Maybe they were fed up listening to racists like a lot of the contributors above and decided to take 'justice' into their own hands. Their actions - although indefensible - may have been triggered by something no-one here knows about.
    5. Lets all calm down a bit. No doubt they are nasty ignorant people and probably not contributing much to British society but then there are a lot of white English people like that as well.

  31. If there are nasty ignorant indigenous people, do we need to be importing more from other countries? Your comments are irrelevant to the issue.

  32. Too many blacks, asians and middle eastern people in Britain will eventually cause more horrible problems. I am from Asia and I find it difficult to survive, when surrounded by haughty, unreasonable, horrible asians at workplace. I don't like it either. I hated the way those asians pushed me out of a job. Britain should stop givng those non-whites immigrants jobs and welfare.


  33. I agree with Cygnus. Britain don't need more haughty, nasty, ignorant immigrants or students or tourists from central asia, south asia, east asia, middle east or africa. Britain need less problems from these far away foreign continents and eventually none from those. Excessive multiculturalism and breeding of mongrels is bad for any nations.


  35. I am absolutely disgusted at this story and what those women did to that innocent woman just minding her own business in the street is unforgivable. The criminal system is getting too soft and nowadays anyone can commit a horrendous crime and walk away free, they should definitely get a harsher sentence to set an example to other would be offenders. "I am Muslim and not used to drinking" is not an excuse to batter someone half to death. As a Muslim I'm horrified to hear this story and really angry because if your a Muslim your not permitted to drink and if you do, you're not really considered to be upholding the laws set upon you by God and acting in the way a Muslim should, so I don't think they have the right to be called Muslim. These women have gotten too comfortable in a country that does not belong to them and have started taking things here for granted, if they were in their own country I doubt they would got away with such actions. I hope rhea page gets her life back on track and May God make things easier for her.


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