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Wednesday 17 October 2012

One Million Muslims to march in London?

Since an Egyptian Salafist television station took the decision to screen excerpts from the film ‘Innocence of Muslims’ last month a series of protests has been mounted against the film by doctrinaire Muslims around the globe. Whereas many of the overseas demonstrations have proven to be violent, here in England they have in the main been peaceful, albeit unwelcome and by definition irrational. The film itself would have gone largely unnoticed if it were not for the fact that the Salafist agitators in Egypt deliberately chose to broadcast it with the intent of inflaming the mob element within the Muslim population, fanning its sense of righteous indignation in an effort to win political capital for their cause. Indeed, they have enjoyed considerable success in this respect, and the whole affair brings to mind how in December 2005 Islamist agitators – imams from Denmark touring the Middle East – deliberately chose to publicise cartoons of Muhammed published in the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten, as well as appending some additional images themselves for extra measure. Then, as now, they were successful in mobilising Islamist sentiment.

One of the first protests in England against ‘Innocence of Muslims’ took place in the Birmingham Bullring on Friday 21 September and brought around 100 young Muslims onto the streets, some of whom became involved in scuffles with the police. On Friday 28 September it was Bradford’s turn to host a larger protest, although it failed to draw the numbers anticipated. In Oldham however, the Oldham Mosques Council initially took a different view and urged local Muslims to make their opposition known not through the medium of public protest, but via writing to their MPs and MEPs.

More protests were to follow, one of which almost went unreported despite taking place beneath the walls of Westminster Abbey on Saturday 6 October. On the same day, protests took place in West Yorkshire and Lancashire: in Huddersfield the demonstrators gathered in St George’s Square, drawing an estimated 2,000 Muslims (see picture below), whilst across the Pennines in Bolton 300 marched to the local council offices to hand in a petition bearing 5,000 signatures expressing disgust at the film. The following Friday, 12 October, it was Halifax’s turn to host a Muslim protest about the same issue, with hundreds – mostly men – marching through its streets.

This week saw the biggest and most sinister protest yet by Muslims in England, with anywhere in the region of 3,500 to 10,000 people (figures quoted by The Daily Mail and The Daily Telegraph respectively) turning up outside of Google’s London offices demanding that ‘Innocence of Muslims’ be removed from the internet. More such protests are planned for the weeks ahead, with an intended million-Muslim protest to be held in Hyde Park soon. This is not the voice of so-called ‘extremist’ Islam speaking here, but mainstream Islam (but who, other than a Muslim or the wilfully ignorant, could possibly perceive Islamic doctrine to be anything other than ‘extreme’, domineering and intolerant?), for it is said that up to 800 imams in mosques across Britain had backed the anti-Google protest. Trouble is brewing as they attempt to snuff out freedom of speech and expression – in our country – through bullying and intimidation. This is the nature of the ideology that our mainstream politicians have pandered to and facilitated and facilitated the spread of through a combination of political expediency, cowardice and the desire for Arab petrodollars. 

It is thus deeply worrying, although not surprising, that plans are afoot for a multi-faith demonstration in Oldham in support of censorship, with Muslims drafting in a handful of Christians, Hindus and Sikhs – useful idiots – to legitimise their attempt to impose a de facto Islamic blasphemy law in our country. Just whose country is this? Why is it that the sensibilities of Muslims are seemingly permitted to trump those of all other and non-faith groups? Why should the ‘offence’ perceived by a Muslim matter more than the ‘offence’ perceived by you or I? What gives an aggrieved Muslim the right to be the arbiter of what we may say, write, think or do? Allah? Allah is a fiction, and a brutish one at that; and as for his ‘messenger’ Muhammed, if he existed, he was a deranged yet politically astute thug, and if he did not, he was a repellent fictional creation that has provided an appalling example to his followers down the centuries. There is no place for Muhammed’s example in this country, this continent, or, indeed, this era, other than as an exemplar of some of the worst traits in humanity; Muhammed bears a far closer resemblance to figures such as Caligula and Genghis Khan than to Confucius, Buddha or Christ. Muhammed's character and deeds were, by definition, offensive.

If the mass Muslim march takes place in London, will it finally awaken our complacent compatriots, far removed from our centres of Islamic population, to the fact that Islamic doctrine is not cuddly, benign and tolerant, the message forever being trumpeted by the BBC, the Conservative, Labour, Liberal Democrat and Green parties? Islam is no friend of freedom; it is one of its foes. These protests therefore must not be pandered to, and it must be made clear to those with familial roots overseas who participate in these demonstrations, that they should reconsider their place of residence. Their presence here is not to the public good. They are generating fear; fear which, sadly, is well founded.

Muslims demonstrate in Huddersfield

 Video of Muslim Anti-Google Protest in London


  1. I saw the noisy but (for the time being) peaceful Muslim demonstration outside Google's offices by Victoria station on Sunday. My immediate reaction was that if Salafist extremists and unattractive liberal cosmopolitan capitalists fight one another, so much the better for us (with apologies to Stanley Baldwin, a much underrated statesman).

    1. It must have been interesting to see it at first hand. Did you notice how other observers, including the police, reacted? What expressions did you see? What were onlookers saying?

  2. Let them march, let a million assemble, let twoo million.

    Let them rage in support of their disgusting murderous sseudo-prophet.

    Let them spew their hate.

    And let us see it all on prime-time news at length so that we can all see how polluted with this muhammedan evil our country has become.

    The more muhammadans are seen to be the vile hateful barbarians they really are, the sooner the problem they have become will be addressed


    1. It would be surprising if they were able to muster the threatened million, but a large turnout is nonetheless likely. Hopefully, it will shake some people out of their complacency with respect to the backward and threatening attitudes held by such protesters.

  3. I'm sure they could get massive numbers on such a march. I'm sure that the organisers could ensure that it is a peaceful event. There is clearly a change of strategy in play amongst the Islamists. They have worked out that violence and hostility will only gain them bad publicity and opposition. Even mainstream Muslims are now realising that the future political agenda could be theirs if they promote themselves in the traditional British way of protest. It is of course a deception, a tactic designed to cover their true intention to secure an Islamic state. How will the wider public react to seeing one million religious zealots rallying as a united force? Thats the crucial question!

    1. I think that you're right with respect to the strategic approach SDZ: the gradualist rather than the revolutionary, relying upon their confidence in their cause and the irresolution and weakness of their opponents. This is Islamisation by stealth and gradual demographic transformation and replacement.

  4. the demo on 6 October right opposite the parliament around the statue of George V...I was there standing next to a Nigerian lady surrounded by demonstrating muslims chanting their verses from the koran or whatever - it wasn't a very pleasant sight...judge for yourselves

    1. Thank you very much for the link to the video. It's very good, so I shall post it here. How alarming that a number of the protesters were brandishing placards emblazoned with the slogan 'The Prophet is dearer to us than our children.' Still, given the abominable way in which a number of them treat their children - particularly girls - this comes as no surprise.

  5. This and previous governments' have bent over backwards to be shafted by Muslim interests. They have pandered to every demand from pseudo-shariah 'courts' to the unofficial Muslim parliament, from the proliferation of Saudi-funded mosque building to the known paedo-rings that infest every town/city where there is a Muslim population, from the faith-based 'honour' murders to the establishment of a FMU (Forced Marriage Unit) in Pakistan! We do'nt have FMU's in any other country for any other faith.

    What is the common denominator? Fucking Muslims generally of Pakistani descent.

    Politicians of all parties have licked the arses of their MP's and councillers - they have sown the seeds of the storm and will reap the whirlwind.

    I hope there is a huge rally and that lots of Plods get hurt and lots of damage is done but let's have it down in fucking London and then something will get done......But do'nt hold your breath as London has been a multi-cultural cess-pit for quite some time now.

    Laurie -

    1. Well, thinking about the protest outside of Google, I don’t recall hearing about this on the radio or the television news, but then again, I may have been particularly inattentive on the day in question, so how much coverage will the much larger demo be accorded. If they do succeed in mobilising massive numbers for their Hyde Park protest, do you not think that the BBC will seek to put a positive spin on it, implying that our society is at fault for offending all of these ordinary, ‘moderate’, mainstream Muslims? It seems likely that the protesters will be vociferous but peaceful, which the BBC will claim provides eloquent testimony to their ‘integration’ into British life and political culture. It will be a lie of course, but it strikes me that the BBC will be eager to tell it.

  6. To Laurie and Santiago:

    I completely agree with you both, well said. If the protest takes place in London under the watchful eye of every media outlet, people here and around the world will see just how hateful, ungrateful and downright disgusting these muslims really are.

    If there is violence it needs to be dealt with quickly and harshly by the police with none of the pandering we are used to seeing when these so-called 'peaceful' people protest.


    1. Violence is unlikely, as in this context they would find it counterproductive. Sheer weight of numbers will be their weapon, backed up sympathetic coverage from the BBC and The Guardian.

  7. SRB, the more the followers of Islam kick off, the more the ordinary bod will see just what a wrong'un Islam as a philosophy is.

    The politicos will reap the whirlwind as people start to vote out those elected officals who have shilled for the divisive policy of multiculturalism that has been exploited by the Islamic far right.

    1. As pointed out above F211, I think that they will view violence as a fruitless strategy and thus will not deploy it (on this occasion at any rate).

  8. If they're so infuriated with a Youtube video wait until they see what's on the rest of the internet. All of cyberspace is un-Islamic! Once sharia law goes digital we should just go back to living in the stone age.

    1. That’s true! It’s content, thankfully, is not very sharia compliant is it?

  9. If the million Muslim march gets violent, you can bet that the BBC will suppress the news. And what violence will be shown will be attributed to the EDL, in case a few EDL supporters turn up.


    1. If any EDL do turn up, the BBC will doubtless paint them as devils incarnate.

  10. Here we go, another Muslim cause that we are going to be hit with. Its going to run and run. Cameron, the political establisment and the BBC are going to make sure of that. Malala Yousafzai a 12 year old girl who it is claimed was attacked by the Taliban is the name. Despite the fact that she was making a recovery in Pakistan she was flown over to UK to receive special care in Birmingham's QE hospital. The hospital has set up a charity fund and guestbook, the city council has opened a book for messages of support, The Muslim Council of Britain are co-ordinating support, Muslim 'we are Malala' women have held a vigil in the city centre. You can see were this 'We Are Malala' is going, nationwide. Support groups, schools, colleges, universities, rallies, vigils. The girl and her family will be granted British citizenship, I don't know about you but she is my heroine. Smiley face.

  11. The Pakistan Telecomms Authority are blocking URL's that are questioning the validity of 'shot in the head by the Taliban claim' American Everyman ( claims that the attack on 12 year Malala Yousafzai was a staged incident to gain sympathy and promote her fathers involvement with the United Nation's Education First project.

    Daddy’s Little Girl
    As I have stated before, one of the key elements of this Malala psyop is the Gordon Brown global campaign for charter, for-profit school systems. There’s billions of dollars to be made in this arena, money just sitting there on the table for the taking. The UN mandate is called Education First. It’s a global “public/private partnership” scheme (privatization) involving a “not-for-profit” institution (Global Business Coalition for Education) set up by Accenture, Hess, Chevron, Pearson International and others. Gordon Brown goes so far as to claim this is “Malala’s next fight” in a Daily Beast article dated Oct. 14th


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