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Wednesday 9 December 2009

Brierfield Mills: Locals Petition against Islamic Girls’ School

It may not be time to crack open the champagne just yet, but organisers of a petition to block the conversion of Brierfield Mills into a 5000-place Islamic girls’ school must be pleased that they have managed to gather 1,000 signatories. As Gandalf of the Up Pompeii blog has noted, this is no mean achievement for a small town such as Brierfield.

The question is: how will local MP Gordon Prentice respond to this petition? According to the Burnley Express, Mr Prentice has stated:

There are concerns that Islamic Help may have been acting outside its charitable objectives in raising money for a boarding school in the UK. I shall be raising the issue with the chair and chief executive of the Charity Commission when I meet them on Thursday.
Evidently, even a Labour droid such as Prentice realises that many of his constituents have been pushed beyond endurance by this latest move towards the Islamisation of the town. As can be seen from the following link - - Brierfield is already blighted by the new Sultania Mosque; its turquoise domes and minaret make a bold symbolic claim to Muslim ownership of Brierfield’s public space, so it seems appropriate that the mosque’s website should feature a menacing soundtrack featuring the sounds of a heartbeat of someone seemingly on the verge of death.

This citizens’ initiative may not be on the same scale as the recent minaret ban in Switzerland, but it just goes to demonstrate that the efforts of publicly minded citizens such as the members of the Clitheroe Road Residents’ Association can still make a stand against Islamisation in the UK. I just hope that they are successful in blocking the school plans. However, there is still some way to go in preventing the Islamising agenda of the ‘charity’ behind the project, for the latter has stated that it is also examining purchasing Brierfield Mills with a view to converting it for a variety of Islamic uses. So, I wish good luck to the Clitheroe Road Residents’ Association, for you will need it.


Tuesday 1 December 2009

Mega School to complement Mega Mosque?

According to reports in the Daily Express and Pendle Today, Pendle could shortly be home to a girls’ school with a difference: a 5000-place Muslim boarding school. The plan to build this bloated symbol of Islamic imperialism in this Lancashire town is being spearheaded by Birmingham-based ‘charity’ Islamic Help. The organisation intends to house the school in Brierfield Mills, and if given the go-ahead, its designs would lead to the creation of the largest school in the country, or, more accurately, Islamist indoctrination centre.

How do the good people of Pendle feel about such a prospect? At a guess, they’d probably be less bothered by the resurrection of its infamous witches, who met their doom some four centuries ago. Evidently, despite his commitment to “celebrating the diversity” and the “enrichment” that such an institution would undoubtedly bring to his constituency, Labour MP Gordon Prentice is feeling a little discomfited. Given that indigenous voters have yet to be fully ethnically cleansed from his domain, even he is aware of the fact that this proposed development is (how can I put it delicately?) controversial amongst his non-Muslim constituents.

Why is such an institution necessary? If these people wished to integrate in any meaningful sense (i.e. assimilate to the host culture) they would send their daughters to local schools. This proposed project is ample demonstration that they are not here to integrate, but to remain separate, and eventually dominate. These girls will have their minds moulded and poisoned by the ideological mentors behind the scheme who subscribe to a system of savage seventh-century bigotry. The primary message rammed home every day will be that Islam is superior to kuffar culture, and that the justifiably (in their minds) despised kuffar should submit, for that is what lies at the dark heart of the Qur’an.

A junior minister by the name of Diana Johnson claims that the Government will look carefully at the scheme. Given that such institutions are nothing more than multiculturally sanctioned factories of hate, why don’t we simply ban them and the alleged charities from which they derive their financial wherewithal? This school would be as welcome in Pendle as a phalanx of minarets in Zurich.
