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Thursday, 17 November 2011

Tommy Robinson to leave EDL for British Freedom

On Saturday 19 November the EDL Way Forward Meeting will take place in Birmingham, at which it will be announced that Tommy Robinson (Stephen Lennon) is to quit the EDL and instead venture into electoral politics. He has selected a political party which whilst championing the EDL’s anti-Islamisation stance, possesses a full policy platform: British Freedom. Coming as it does within a fortnight of Paul Weston assuming the Chairmanship of British Freedom, this move will undoubtedly boost the profile of a party that has hitherto been invisible to all but a tiny minority of people in the UK.

This move illustrates that Robinson/Lennon has come to the realisation that he had personally taken things as far as he could with the EDL, and that existing mainstream political parties have no interest in tackling the issue of Islamisation. His decision was prefigured by reports in the Daily Star re his possible entry into the political arena, and discussions at the London 'Counterjihad Summit' in September. Earlier this year he momentarily thought that David Cameron intended to tackle the policy disaster of multiculturalism following a speech delivered by the Prime Minister in Munich, but as I wrote at the time, Cameron’s rhetoric was crafted to create the impression that he was opposed to multiculturalism and to mask the reality of his vigorous promotion of this ideology and policy. The same applies to Cameron’s rhetoric over mass immigration and membership of the EU, which whilst seemingly chiming with public opposition to both, actually signifies the inverse of what people believe he stands for. After all, mass immigration has reached record levels under Cameron’s premiership, and he has of late been pushing for the UK’s continued involvement in the EU, and for the countries within the Eurozone to pull closer together. His use of the term ‘Eurosceptic’ as a self-appellation is thus a deeply cynical and counterfactual one.

Will this news bring a fillip to British Freedom’s political fortunes? It could, if it manages to steer a rational course that whilst drawing attention to its opposition to Islamisation doesn’t overly fixate on this issue, and instead focuses upon its broad extant policy mix, with its alternative to the failed economic models of free market global capitalism and socialist central planning. Moreover, any party that seeks to promote a particular religion in the UK today will fail amongst our people, and a secular approach is essential that can accommodate the irreligious as well as pagans, Christians, etc. Time will tell. Below is Robinson/Lennon's latest interview with Jeremy Paxman.

Update: As of late Saturday afternoon, it became clear that Robinson was not in fact going to leave the EDL, and would instead remain as a leading member of the protest group whilst endorsing the British Freedom Party. An article summarising the decision taken at the EDL meeting can be accessed here.


  1. All the best, Tommy! never surrender!!

  2. Good Luck in everything you do Tommy our country needs you.NSExxxx

  3. if that's true, then maybe the EDL will actually move on and become the street movement it was meant to be, i can not say good luck to him because i despise the man, but with in the EDL there are some solid decent patriots, who can now get on with the job of defeating the radicals instead of singing at lamp posts half cut.. NWI THE WAY FORWARD!

  4. The EDL needs to be organised at events and not a drunken rabble, get some discipline and you will be a force to be reckoned with good luck, YOUR Country needs YOU, Kevin

  5. I've not always agreed with Tommy. But I will say, he did a lot at the start (2009 and early 2010). It is easy to criticise (and I do), but he did put some work in.

    I think he lost his way in mid 2010, especially after the splits and I think that when he lost a lot of the other original leaders it took its toll on him. I also suspect that he never thought it would become what it has done.

    I wish him luck in whatever he ends up doing and I've always been proud to be involved from fairly early on with the EDL.

    There is one or two other things happening with the EDL, especially certain people that have got involved or are getting involved with the EDL and I believe it is not for the benefit of the EDL that they are getting involved.

  6. tommy, if it wer'nt for you the EDL would'nt have h
    appen'nd, well done i joined the movement because,
    what you stand for is what i've alway's believed in and you speak my language (same beliefs) good on ya m8 and best of luck. John (edl name cookyboy)

  7. I have never understood the EDL as, any argument they come up with sounds like a lot of dribble. The world is becoming more globalised than ever now, so to all EDL members do us a favour and start looking towards a future without bigtory and hate and try to look at bigger issues like saving the planet from global warming, making a better world for you and your families. surley this is more logical than racism.

  8. Tommy Rob's wasted life/suicide the only answerFriday, 18 November 2011 at 01:36:00 GMT

    Well said Anon, the reality is that the EDL and similar groups are infested with low IQ, pasty faced ugly people who have never had a life and are so bitter that other people regardless of colour or culture are able to be happy and peaceful. If only they got a life, stopped the boozing, drugs and life of crime and hate, they might be happy too...

  9. @Anonymous.

    Foxtrot Oscar, most of the problems that we face are because of globalisation and Global Warming is the biggest scam going.

    PS The reason you have never understood the EDL, is because you don't understand the probles. Now off you Trot and watch X-Factor.

  10. HA HA HA no surrender eh, Stephen? Who is going to elect a convicted wife beater, football hooligan, coke dealer, assaulter of soldiers, grass? Your mates will all spell X wrong anyway. Go on, fuck off. Get out of my England, no one wants you here, not even the EDL. Good lord, how must that feel? The scum of the land want rid of you. How does Alan Lake feel about this, you turncoat, copper's nark?

  11. Less than 5% of the population of the UK is muslim 2/3 million, how is that taking over?
    Just how is sharia law going to take over?Do you realise how laws are made in this country?
    Stop looking for excuses and scapegoats,face reality instead of passing the buck and blaming the big bad muslims,who lets be honest are the least of your worries.

  12. Most are good, but some of those 25 points buy into the nanny state mentality which is the ultimate cause of British non-freedom being experienced now.

  13. tommy leaving will be a big blow to the EDL but we will always fight on for our country not one man. Tommy always alegend NO SURRENDER SWDD.

  14. That Newsnight video of Tommy is excellent, first time I've seen it and I've just watched it three times. Not many people can beat Paxman but Tommy did, shot him down in flames. Well done, you make me proud to be English mate!

  15. Sorry mate, but anybody who ever believed Cameron is a none starter in my book.

  16. Wee Tommy is quitting because he knows the gravy train is about to run out. He's about to be banged up for money laundering. He made £1000s off the gullible EDL goons... and now realises this coming to an end. The guy is nothing more than a two eyed, relatively thin version of Nick Griffin. He learnt how to fleece 'members' from the fat one eye one. He's done well.... he's bought a load of properties, had good holidays... and built up a good bank balance. All thanks to moronic EDL goons that thought he was the next messiah... well you know what ?... he aint the messiah.. he's just a very naughty boy....

  17. excellent guy.
    I'm appalled at the dimmie bbc interviewer who was pushing his islamist sympathizer agenda on him and not allowing him to speak.

  18. best of luck to you tommy.
    the edl has to go political in order to change the policies that are destroying england.

  19. The EDL should bring its stance up a level to that of SIOE's and not be just against Islamic extremism.

    If it wants to be a voice for English nationalism it has to be that and not one for British nationalism. The two are different.

    The British media and British establishment are actively working against the English.

    The EDL needs someone who knows what the political issues are and what they mean for England.

  20. Stephen, are you still a member of the English Democrats? They did look of some interest to me until recently, when I noted the following post on Robin Tilbrook's blog entitled 'Speech to Islamic Conference - Dec '09'

    I wasn't impressed, but know of course that his stance on this issue is not yours.

  21. Stephen just because they have English in their name dont assume they are anti-British as you are barking up the wrong tree there.

    Also as Durotrigan points out the Eng Dems stance on issues as spoken by their party leader is pretty sickening.

  22. 1st he was a paid up member of bnp,then edl,now he may join another group who's agenda is dubious.seems he's following in the foot steps of a certain bigot who was in nf,then leaDER of bnp now he's once again a nobody NICK GRIFFIN

  23. Anonymous said...
    Less than 5% of the population of the UK is muslim 2/3 million, how is that taking over?
    Just how is sharia law going to take over?Do you realise how laws are made in this country?

    Well, Mr Anonymous,let me explain. That 5% was only 2% not ten years ago. Let's assume it reaches 15% by 2020. In most of our major cities, Muslims will by then have a majority, which, make no mistake, they will use in the interests of Islam. I think that means that there would be about 50 Muslim MP's, for whom, let us be honest, membership of one of our major parties has been only a means to an end. When they have that majority in our cities, then we will see the push to Sharia-isation of those cities. Mr Anonymous, do you live in a rural area? You better had! Myself, I will probably have popped it by then, but I fear for my family, particularly female members.

  24. Anonymous (McMalatesta) @ 18.11.11 - 12.22

    Please fuck off back to indymedia you tedious, unfunny turd and get on with 'occupying' mummy's spare room.

    Hebburn Lad.

  25. Not Birmingham and he won't be leaving the EDL. All will be revealed

  26. why do the ignoRANT not realise what they caused back in the days of I QUOTE packi bashing by the now adults of our country who now whine on about the rise of islam/asians.IT WAS DARK DAYS OF NATIONAL FRONT members who laid the seed in our country hence we are witnessing A SAFETY IN NUMBERS COMMUNITY FORMED BY ASIANS!!!REAP WHAT YOU i'm not asian or a muslim

  27. Why should anyone be slave to globalisation or multiculturalism that not only seek to impose their incompatible asian culture on the West, but also did not improve our personal freedom? I think excessive globalisation is not a good thing, when it is indirectly causing the spread of an incompatible totalitarian ideology from the East or via excessive imposition of
    incompatible asian/eastern/oriental
    culture from the East.

    The fact is multiculturalism does not benefit everyone and it had been known to cause too much harm to our personal life and to our personal freedom.


  28. They get very angry don't they. They are walking backwards, left, right, every which way, have you noticed. They now say they want to live in harmony with Jews, Christians, Hindus. The anti- EDL, "non-believers" are even more hysterical, ridiculous. They cannot succeed.


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