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Tuesday 11 December 2012

London lost in an Alien Nation

Shock. This is the word that best sums up my reaction to today’s 2011 census results, and yet, what they revealed was not unexpected. Still, seeing the stark reality of the statistics underscoring the rapid demographic shift in our country is alarming. What is particularly symbolic is the fate of London, nominally still our capital, but in an affective and emotional sense, no longer so, for London is revealed not only to have ceased to be an English city, but a British one too. We native White British are now in a minority in our own capital city, comprising a mere 45% share compared to 55% alien; a staggering decline in a decade, from the figure of 58% in 2001. How could this have come to be? Moreover, in the time that has elapsed since the census was taken, our share will have fallen further still. London is a lost city; a space rather than a place in which globalism rules.

The Scots may have Edinburgh, the Welsh Cardiff and the Irish Dublin as their capitals, and they are still Scottish, Welsh and Irish cities, but what we do we English have? Where is our capital? No longer is London ours. Where then, should be our national spiritual home? London no longer fits the bill. Alfred’s old capital of Winchester perhaps? York? Worcester? Where? Where is England? Where is its heart? Where are we English now able to feel comfortably at home? What has become of our country? Are we permitted to possess a territory that we can call our own, or are we to become fully dispossessed of what should by natural right be ours? We will, doubtless, be compelled to 'celebrate' this alleged 'diversity'.

In England and Wales, the Muslim population increased dramatically from 3.0% in 2001 to 4.8% (some 2.7 million people) in 2011. The percentage of people in England and Wales describing themselves as 'White British' declined from 87.5% to 80%. Similar processes are at play in France, and as can be seen here, French social attitudes now display a deep sense of unease with respect to the changes wrought in that country through decades of mass immigration and the rapid growth of the Islamic population.

What is this for? Who does this purport to represent?


  1. Why are you shocked? What exactly have you expected ? Just walk around with open eyes..

    And those numbers, as alarming as they may seem, are sugarcoated still - of that I am shure. But relax.. the same thing happens to Berlin, whrere I live. (If that thought is relaxing - a problem shared.. you know..)

    perhaps we should be happy it only happens to or in the capital city, so we can move away someday and enjoy our country where it is still our country - those "boring backwater areas" we laughed at when we were younger...

    And if you think the capital is the heart of ones country, then you better get used to living in a heartless one..
    I already gave up on some areas of Berlin, but the situation in London looked far worse to me - and that was 8 years ago!

    So - cheers from Berlin

    1. welcome to the new world. Toronto Canada has been this way for years. This new world that has been forced upon us by the Elites is here for good or evil


    2. Anonymous..enjoy the civil war when the whites decide to take their country back.

      Enoch Powell will be proven to be a visionary, and the blood shed will be on the hands of the traitors who sold the nation out.

    3. The 'shocked' aspect is my emotional reaction, for this result is not at all unexpected. Nonetheless, it does make me feel uncomfortable. That Berlin and Toronto have also trodden this path does not make for reassuring news; Paris and many other European cities are heading the same way. It seems to be a malaise common to the majority of European societies.

  2. You know, we were never beaten by bombs, tanks, bullets or V2 rockets even, but this multicultural propaganda-war with its mind-weapons has utterly routed us.

    1. It has certainly proven to be very powerful. Some advocate tackling it head on and getting mown down in the process; others don't.

    2. Defeated by our own government. The sociopathic elite.

  3. I echo the OP's comments, why are you shocked?

    You've rounded the 2001 muslim Census figures up, it was 2.7% and now it is 4.8%, a close on doubling. It will double every 10 years.

    But back to London. Only 45% of Londoners are British whites i.e. indigenous.

    Well have a look at the school figures, for secondary school pupils, i.e., those that will be our population in less than a generation.

    ust look at the last column.

    London as a whole, has two thirds non white British pupils at secondary schools, rising to 81% for Inner London only.

    In less than a generation, that will leave the indigenous down to leass than a third.

    1. As I said RH, the shock was my emotional reaction, not my intellectual one; it was a visceral response. These figures were in line with my expectations, and as others have pointed out elsewhere, they do not include the illegal immigrants who for obvious reasons will not have been counted.

  4. The elites have destroyed the Western World and all that enlightenment is being snuffed out. It's certainly spead far beyond capital cities.

    1. It is the basic logic of transnational capitalism that is driving this process, and it is its logic that must be undermined to reverse it.

  5. They used to joke that if it was'nt for Churchill you might have been speaking German, rather that than Urdu..........

    Laurie -

    1. Well, it's a pity that WWI ever took place, let alone WWII. The two World Wars crippled our economy as well as killing and maiming millions of our people. What a waste. How would the world have looked today without those wars? A daft question perhaps, but an entertaining counterfactual history to entertain during an idle moment.

    2. I wouldn't say it was. Unquestionably, we in Britain and the other European countries lost our best men in those conflicts (particularly WW1) and we would be immeasurably better-off in many ways if they hadn't occured. I think WW2 really finished this country. The Marxist cult of PC to which all of the so-called 'mainstream' parties adhere to wouldn't have many followers if Adolf Hitler hadn't discredited normal national feelings.

    3. A certain Mr Hitler has a great deal to answer for.

  6. Some basic rules that were valid during and after WWII:
    1. skin colour is less relevant than cultural loyalties
    2. financing babies is stupid. People who cannot afford to feed their children, should not have children.
    3. if the schools still taught the British Civil Code and enforced equality and integration, there would be no problem.
    4. no dole for people who have never worked.
    5. No inverse-racism, a mugger does not get a free pass for 'cultural sensitivity'. GBH = prison & being insulting should not mean going to prison if you are a white, non-muslim.

    1. Quite what enforcing 'equality and integration' would mean I am not sure, but if you mean ensuring that all must respect and adhere to the same law that does not make special exceptions for minorities (unless it happens to be for the English in London - such as an insistence upon the use of English in English-minority schools) then that's fine.

  7. Did you watch last nights qUestion time if you didnt ,watch it on i player they discuss this very subject and the panel was filled mainly with britiain hating anti white liberal morons who feel it is something to celebrate if you want to know why the countrys screwed just listen to these leftys its un beleivable

    1. I missed it 'unfortunately'. I find it hard to stomach watching the programme these days, as its content is both predictable and largely objectionable.

  8. Come to Leeds mate. One of the few remaining large English cities.

  9. You say that ...Dublin is still an Irish city. Of course it is, although the city has always had a cosmopolitan flair. After all Ireland was not subjected to anything like the onslaught of aliens the UK and other Western European cities suffered. During the boom years there was a massive influx of Eastern Europeans particularly from Poland, but it still has a European 'ambiance'. Thank God, the recession has so far protected us from being overwhelmed by Third World scroungers.


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