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Tuesday 19 June 2012

Jimmy Carr: Laughing all the Way to the Bank?

Some people, apparently, find Jimmy Carr a very funny man. Others, it seems, have always found him to be rather smug and oleaginous. Following today’s revelations about his Jersey-based tax scam, in which he has been found to have squirreled away a fortune of £3.3 million on the island using the K2 Scheme to pay only 1% tax on his earnings, some might say that he is a smug, oleaginous hypocrite. Surely not? After all, look at what he says in the video below. A hypocrite? Would 8 out of ten fat cats come to such a conclusion? For the mechanics of the scam, refer either to this article in The Daily Telegraph, or this one in The Daily Mail. We await his redemption and resurrection in The Guardian at some point.


  1. After his 'joke' with regard to limbless soldiers who have served in Afghanistan he should have been made to clear minefields by walking thru them! He would have at least cleared ONE mine, eventually......Smug tax-dodging, mobile-phone-using-whilst driving.......Arsehole!

    Laurie -

    1. I hadn't heard that one. The more I find out about Jimmy Carr, the more I dislike him. Apparently, he's completely unapologetic about his tax scam. It'll be interesting to see what impact this has upon his popularity.

  2. For as much as I dislike Carr (simply on the basis that apart from not finding him funny - he comes across as a smug, arrogant cunt) I don't hold the 'limbless solider joke' against him. All he did was repeat the joke that was told to him by a 'limbless solider' whilst visiting Headley Court - but the always-offended' jumped the gun before he had the chance to explain himself.

    But for the life of me I can't understand how users of a legal 'tax avoidance scheme', such as mentioned above - if administrated properly can then be subject to scrutiny and possibly held liable by HMRC.

    Simply because they're not getting their share.

    1. Carr does seem to bring out a strong response in people, which I imagine will have become stronger still over the past 24 hours or so. What you say with respect to him being held liable though is correct, for if it is legal it is legal, irrespective of whether or not it ought to be. It's certainly a loophole that needs to be closed now that it's been brought to light though.

  3. "comedians" love banks, witness how many of them prostitute themselves to banks via tv advertising.
    bill hicks would have pissed on every one of them....
    hang he wouldnt,he wouldn't have wasted his piss.

    1. They do seem to have a soft spot for banks, Bill Hicks being a notable exception as you say. It seems that Jimmy Carr really is very annoyed with Cameron, choosing to let rip with a stream of expletives directed towards the Eton old boy the other night. Still, I wonder how Carr will manage to salvage his 'satirical' career from this self-inflicted meltdown.

  4. Carr was just taking advantage of a tax loophole, and although I don't condone it, how hypocritical of that traitorous toe rag Cameron to attack him when he and fellow mp's helped themselves to vast sums of taxpayer money abusing expenses. Also Cameron who incidentally is married into the Astor clan was born into a life of luxury and vast inherited wealth yet this parasite attacks and demonises benefit claimants..... hypocrite!

    The whole estaishment system is built on corrupt ion with a parasitical debt-based money-system allowing the elite to ponce off the masses.


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