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Tuesday 31 March 2009

Jacqui Smith seeks Solace at the Muslim News Awards for Excellence

Last night, Jacqui Smith managed to escape the media furore surrounding the expenses scandal and her husband’s taste for salacious home entertainment by stepping into the limelight at the Muslim News Awards for Excellence. There, she along with Nick Clegg, Dominic Grieve and Hazel Blears, doled out awards to Muslims selected by such ‘authorities’ as the Respect Leader Salma Yaqoob.

In a collective act of cringing obeisance to the UK’s burgeoning Islamic population, representatives of the three main political parties made fawning speeches in an attempt to ingratiate themselves with Muslim voters. David Cameron, although unable to attend, sent a special message. That we should place no trust in Labour, Conservative and Lib-Dem (or should that be Lib-Dhimm?) politicians when it comes to resisting the Islamisation of our country is amply demonstrated by their own words. Jacqui Smith stated:

"Promoting dialogue and understanding is crucially important at a time when we see those on the extreme fringes of society peddling an empty ideology of isolation, fear and hatred.” [1] “The Muslim News Awards are an important opportunity for us all to recognize and show our appreciation for the valuable contribution that British Muslims make to our shared society.” [2]

Echoing Gordon Brown’s message that the Awards were now “a well-established event in our national calendar”, David Cameron’s contribution stated that “[o]ver the years the Awards have firmly established themselves in the national calendar, and have helped us to celebrate the huge contribution which British Muslims make to each and every aspect of our society.” [2]

However, the prize for most fawning mainstream politician of the evening must be awarded to Nick Clegg, who stated “These prestigious awards not only provide an opportunity to acknowledge the excellence of the individual nominees in their respective fields, but they also encourage us to reflect upon the valuable social, cultural, and economic contribution made by the Muslim community in the UK.” [2]

What were these awards for?
Having read these encomia, perhaps you are inquisitive to learn what the recipients of these awards had done to merit such attention? Well, they included recognition of such good works as:

  • developing a distinctly Islamic calligraphic style of street graffiti

  • karate and kickboxing

  • alternative therapies (i.e. anti-scientific nonsense for the soft-headed) for “black and minority ethnic people

  • a special dhimmi award (although not described as such) for the Reverend Gilleasbuig MacMillan of St Giles Cathedral, Edinburgh, who in October 1991 stopped a “Service of Repentance” to allow Muslims to pray in the Cathedral “next to the altar,” which was followed by allowing “[t]he Adhan, the Muslim call to the prayer, [to be] . . . made from the pulpit.” Muslim prayers were then “performed in the midst of a Christian congregation of over 1,000.” [2]

MacMillan’s actions are startling. Can you imagine such a thing ever happening in a mosque? Of course you can’t. I may be an atheist, but I understand that the precedent that MacMillan established does not bode well for the future of his Church. His gesture has of course since been followed up by other unspecified acts of misplaced kindness towards the Muslim population.

Who bankrolled the event?
Who, you might ask, is behind these awards? Well, this was not done on the cheap, for 800 were invited to attend at the Grosvenor Hotel in London. Award sponsors included the Crown Prosecution Service, the Equalities and Human Rights Commission, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, the Ministry of Defence, the Home Office and Communities and Local Government. Admittedly, there were also some private sponsors, but the above list emphasises the heavy role of the state. So, the UK taxpayer has footed much of the bill for this useless propagandist junket.

This was yet another officially sponsored initiative to help brainwash people into thinking that Islam is a normal and acceptable part of life in the UK today. What in fact this did demonstrate, is the bankruptcy of all of our main political parties when it comes to tackling the problem of Islam in the UK and the non-Muslim world more widely.

The proponents of the Islamic political project take two approaches to achieving their ends: the swift and the slow. The former focuses upon terrorist acts and highly visible political activity, whereas the latter wends its way to its destination through demographic change engendered by differential birth rates and patterns of migration. Either way, if these approaches go unchallenged, we lose. We still have time to ensure that the toehold that Islam has in these isles is reversed peacefully, but for this to be achieved, we need the political will. In mainstream politics, this is manifestly lacking, so we have no alternative but to turn elsewhere. Let us hope that the days of such award ceremonies are numbered.


1 - Muslim 'unsung heroes' honoured,

2 - Ninth Annual Ceremony recognises the very best of British Muslim Achievement,


  1. Thanks for bringing the 'event' in St Giles to my attention. I shall be mentioning this to my minister as I do not approve (to put it mildly).

  2. Glad to be of service subrosa. Good luck with bending the ear of your minister. You'd better do it soon though, lest he comes out of the closet and announces that he's become an imam. St Giles will become a mosque if this sort of thing is not opposed.


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